What is White Hat And Black Hat Search Engine Optimisation?

Posted on June 15, 2017 by Lillian Thoms


So, before you hire a local SEO agency in Melbourne, make sure you have an idea on what type of SEO they are using for your business. Now, let us give you some tidbits about White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO.


Learn What Is White Hat SEO And Black Hat SEO


SEO is changing constantly and methods are also evolving in order to persevere with the new algorithms. Thus, it is important to know the difference between White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO. Or else, you might wonder why your SEO efforts fail.


So, read through this blog and learn a lot of things about it.


What is White Hat SEO?


White Hat SEO is an approach that uses techniques such as keywords, quality content creation, and link building. It targets real audience. And, it requires more time, effort and investments but it has long-term results.


Tactics included here are:


  • Creating high quality and informative content. It also involves social and email campaigns to spread awareness and increase visibility.
  • Using keyword and keyword analysis. Researching the right keywords enables your value in search engines.
  • Obtaining quality inbound links. Backlinks or “inbound links” will serve as a vote for your site.
  • Great site organisation. Search engines, like Google, love responsive web design.


Using this kind of approach is timeless. In fact, older contents can continue to increase its ranks and gain more traffic. And, it is penalty-free as well.


What is Black Hat SEO?


Black Hat SEO refers to an approach that breaks the search engine rules in order to get higher ranks. It targets search engines only and not real the real audience. It is a faster approach when compared to White Hat SEO. But, the results are short-term only.


So, basically, a Black Hat SEO is cheating the system. Its techniques include:


  • Use negative campaigns to take down a competitor.
  • Use spam and duplicate content.
  • Use automated software for hidden text and links as well as link farming
  • Keyword stuffing


If search engines found out that you are using these techniques, your site might be penalised or, perhaps, deindexed altogether.


Find The Right Local SEO Agency


Gaining more traffic and finding leads are not easy. Which is why you need the help of an SEO expert. But, you must also need to ensure that their SEO approach will do well for your business.


Thus, you must choose a White Hat SEO technique. It may be a long-term campaign but you can always assure that good reputation is built on your site.


So, find the right local SEO provider in Melbourne now and learn more about the best SEO approach for your business.



White Hat SEO vs. Black Hat SEO: What’s the Difference?, Upwork.com

What is the difference between white hat SEO and black hat SEO?, Positionly.com

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